Monday, November 29, 2010

Exciting times!

Today, my afternoon errands brought me into the neighborhood of the niece and the nephew. When I drove up, they were all sorts of excited because they were putting the finishing touches on their Christmas lawn decorations. Even before I got out of the car, I was pestered with questions about the lights, the wreath and the trees. In fine Auntie form, I managed to look right past the obvious and ask about the poor pumpkins, jack-o-lanterns and corn stalks that had been replaced. After a quick pose by one of the trees, I got a personal tour of the back yard....

and was allowed to see where the pumpkin was composting the garden. I was also invited to come jump on the pumpkins. On account of the fact that I had on fancy boots, I declined.
When you are a five year old, the squishy, yucky, messy things are some of the greatest things on earth.

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