There I was, driving home, minding my own business. Close to the Homestead, I came around a bend in the road and there they were - cows just grazing in the little patch of grass next to the stream. I rarely see them there and they were as surprised as I was. So I rolled down my window to take a picture. Then I decided I just had to play the game "Hey, Cow!" in tribute to my friend Guy Williams.

The game is simple. You yell, "Hey, cow!" as you pass by in your car and see how many cows you can get to look at you. Points are scored by the number of cows who actually look at you. Points do not count for cows already looking at you (or the car) before you yell. The photographic evidence is that I scored one point after yelling, "Hey, cow!" and deciding to jump out of the car to see how good I could do. (In real life, you don't jump out of the car or take pictures, you just continue down the highway, collecting cow points in competition with fellow passengers)

Once I crossed the street and was ready for another picture,
I got the attention of the two cows in the back.
Now I have three points.

The little guy in the back looked even though this angle doesn't do him justice.

Four points!
Do I get extra for having him come over to the fence for a friendly hello?

This calf never took his eyes off me but since he was
looking at me from the get-go he never earned me any points.

It was almost like he was asking to go for a ride when I went to get back in my car.

I promise you, I did have this cow's attention, too.
But I was petting the calves over the fence line when he looked.
The only shot I got of him looking was too blurry for publication.
Total: five points!
It really is the simple things in life that amuse us the most, isn't it?
indeed it is! thanks Tammie
great game, tammie. i'll never forget when guy and i were playing on 68 when 2 herd of cow were already staring at each other across the road. creepy.
i learned that game in college, when i had a convertible. that makes it really easy to play. =D
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