Above you can see he has set out his own little makeshift greenhouse. These are REAL Jersey tomato(e)s, the Ramapo variety that he started from seeds of last year's crop.
A shot of his "deer proofed" garden plot waiting for the last danger of frost before planting next month.
A few years ago he had blueberry bushes planted. He and I pruned them about a month ago. We normally pick in late June through mid-July - this year, who knows!
My father is NOT a fan of mint, but when I convinced him several years ago that if planted in pots mint does not take over the yard, he decided to submerge a few pots next to the back door. It makes for a nice herb garden. Spearmint is to the left front, peppermint is in the green pot to the left rear and chives are in the center rear. (I will be clipping some chives in a few days when we get to have some trout for dinner. Yum!) Basil, parsley, and other herbs will be planted in the other pots when it is safe for them to stay outdoors overnight.
Thanks for hanging out with me for a bit on a little escapism.
Going back to the books - I promise!
Well, maybe after I make dinner for Dad....Mom is dining out!
a little distraction is good for the soul. i really think that it makes our work better when we do get down to it, if we take time for exploring the garden prep, for instance. ;)
are you an enabler or a kindred spirit - or both? ;)
both! i have always been a great 'bad influence' distraction to fellow studiers. but i really do think a little distraction is good... the problem for me is keeping it to just a little. =D
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