Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A golden friendship

At 5:00 this afternoon, I was visiting with my friend Ursula. We've known one another since elementary school and were in Girl Scouts together from Brownies to earning our First Class and Gold Awards as Senior Scouts. She lives in North Carolina, about an hour from where I lived when I lived in Greenville. Her husband, a police officer, kept my car safe and secure in the parking lot at the police dept near the train I took back and forth to NJ when I had travel. She keeps her Jersey roots in tact by visiting her folks from time to time and rooting for the NY Giants. When we were in scouts we used to sing a song about friendship:

Make new friends, but keep the old
One is silver and the other gold

She's one of the gold ones.

1 comment:

Grace Whisperer said...

Love it! I remember Ursula! :) I always thought she had a cool name!