Thursday, January 6, 2011

In Royal Company

This evening I enjoyed the lovely company of my brother's mother-in-law for dinner and a movie. First we had dinner at the Edison Diner where she feasted on a chicken salad sandwich with chips and I had a gyro with fries followed by our own piece of cheesecake for desert. Then we went to see Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush in "The King's Speech". We are both huge fans of British television, films and Masterpiece Theater, so we weren't missing out on one of the finest British ensemble casts in a riveting story about King George VI during a pivotal moment in England's history. We weren't disappointed in a single thing! Everything from the chicken noodle soup at the diner to the closing credits in the theater was wonderful. And we both said we enjoyed the company. But it is possible we both might have been referring to Colin Firth......

1 comment:

Amie V said...

i loved that film. seeing it in good company would be even better.