2.1.10 Dinner with my brother's family at the diner
I have entered the blog-o-sphere!
I have no elaborate plans of writing but desire to stick to the discipline of taking a photo a day - each day - every day in the hour around 5:00. It won't always be exotic - ok, it won't likely be exotic but it will be real to record a snapshot of my life during that hour of the day.
I meant to take a picture of the Bridgewater Diner but my plans were subterfuged by the good time we all had eating, talking, laughing and watching Grandpop draw brand new things that weren't in his repertoire when my brother and I were kids! This is the shot I got off before my nephew borrowed my camera and took a series of still lifes of the soda cup in the bottom right corner. I like it since it features people I love.
Tammie, what a fun idea! :) What made you decide to take a picture a day at the 5 o'clock hour?!
(Heather, by the way! :) Always forget to sign things. :)
Hey Heather -
I just found out I was getting comments on my blogs! It's a combination of ideas that finally brought it all together for me and here are some of the pieces:
1) I admire friends who do blogs and I thought I wanted to do one myself, but know that I would fall into the trap of "what do I say" or "not today" and lapse into not writing much faster than some of my friends and for longer periods of time. I think I reserved this spot 2-3 years ago but never knew what I wanted to do with it.
2) Years ago I saw an interview of a person who took a daily photo for one year - sometimes she would hop out of bed and take the photo but it was at all random times of the day. The idea stuck.
2a) It is also a rift on a ecological journal I used to make my kids do in environmental science class. We would go outside and they would record the changes they saw in temp, daylight, water & vegetation color, weather, etc from the same place each time we went outside during the same class period over 10 months of school.
3)After seeing Julie and Julia I thought I can do it for a year and see what happens.
4)I got silly one day listening to the radio and hearing the Alan Jackson/Jimmy Buffet song "It's 5:00 somewhere" and I decided to give myself permission to take the photo in the hour around 5:00.
Finally, I decided to start on Feb 1 when I got out from under some academic deadlines. It is nice that Feb 1 was also a Monday, b/c it fulfills the "J" part of my Myers-Briggs tendencies.
I hope you enjoy and I have yet to still figure out how to fill out the rest of my profile so I can list my followers!
Thanks for letting me know you posted a comment. I didn't get a notice anywhere... hmmm... And thanks for taking the time to give such a thoughtful and informative reply! :)
I know all to well about the tendency to allow the blog to slip into neglect! LOL... Sadly, I find myself blogging and not posting... for whatever reason. Usually for want of a good picture! :)
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