Disclaimer: The majority of these photos were not
taken during 5 o'clock local time

My sister is marching in the parade!

Sitting with Grandpop - we've got in made in the shade!
Today had to be one of the hottest Memorial Days here in Central Jersey in a long time.

Nana snaps a few shots!
For those of you who once upon a time marched in the parade, we are just across the street from what used to be Thrify's Drugstore (now a Walgreens) on the corner of 7th and Washington Ave.

Here comes the parade!
Unfortunately, it took me several shots to coordinate my photo taking skills of the paraders. Therefore I missed good shots of the VFW at the start of the parade.

I got it together in time to get the high school band - the Superchiefs!
Hey, I think I know that girl holding the banner on the left!

Lorraine and Sarah with the Daisy GS troop march on by!
More than a dozen troops marched right behind the Latina dancing girls from Lady of Fatima. The Boy Scouts followed and concluded the youth civic groups. I would have taken a picture of the Sequinettes if they were there - but I don't think they are a group any longer.

New Market Fire Dept. paraded all its 9 vehicles -
even the historic firetruck

This truck was bought in 1940s when
my grandfather was chief of the dept.

The Arbor Rescue Squad car is historic too -
it's been around since I was a little girl.

The segues are not so historic -
I still think it is funny that there are two in town.

I always giggle when I see the Rescue Squad's boat. There's actually a 2nd one behind this one that my dad once commandeered to catch a fugitive on the run hiding in New Market Pond.
I also get a kick out of all the candy the paraders throw out to the kids along the curbside. Luke stuffed my pocketbook with all the booty he collected as the parade passed on by. The parade was impressive with River Road, Holmes Marshall, Possumtown, and North Stelton there with all their trucks, ladders, pumpers, hummers, and Incident Command Vehicles.

It was so hot that it was time to break out the slip and slide after the picnic goodies. At least they didn't have to wait an hour after eating!