Today is my birthday and I took the day off from reading, research, and writing. (My friend Scott told me I could - he grants birthday wishes away from work for academicians) It was a pleasant day spent doing necessary errands and even some organizing. This is the newly arranged piece of shared space my father has granted me so I could have real estate to do some stained glass work and be creative with a medium other than words from time to time.

Actually, he cleared this counter top a few weeks ago of his hobbies to let me have room to do mine and create a wedding gift for my cousin - but my stuff was basically plopped down in the midst of his stuff and needed to be squared away if either one of us were to continue working in the same shared space (and not accidentally maim the other with our necessary equipment).

Basically, my glass projects invaded his hunting/fishing/model train/woodworking projects he has in the top of his garage - but we both organized and consolidated some of our paraphernalia to respective shelves and bookcases so we can work around one another.

My glass grinder has a home of its own - on what used to be a display area for some special keepsakes. Now I don't have to unpack everything to set it up to do a project and then break it down and pack it all up when finished. His fly tying area and a few other surfaces he uses are still his free and clear - but having my white bookcase, the counter top, and the grinding area will be helpful for me to do little projects from time to time.....

like these little butterflies still in need of legs, heads, and antennae! Stained glass is a craft I learned living in North Carolina and something I really enjoy doing when I get the chance. Now, thanks to Dad's generosity of letting me have some studio room, I can have some ongoing projects that keep my creative juices flowing - one of the best birthday gifts I could have asked for!
1 comment:
getting space organised always makes me feel like things are right with the world for a while... especially when it's a space for something great like this!
paige, a fellow theologican and wilmoron, does stained glass. her whole thesis has to do with it. =)
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