Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How UM are you?

If you are United Methodist, it's likely
you recognize the book I'll be reading this evening.

Yes, I'll be reading the Discipline.
I want my dissertation to not only meet academic standards, but also
be a contribution to the church and how we proclaim we do discipleship.
Yeah, you're jealous - or at least Chuck is....!


Amie V said...

i feel the same way about my thesis! not the um church specifically, but church parents in general. that's why i'm glad i wound up in 'practical theology'.

and i'm totally um at heart. which makes me a bit of an odd-ball here. ;)

tammiemg said...

Swimming here in Reformed waters at Pton and Union, I get that UM odd ball remark. I imagine being in Scotland is akin to being at the school of hard Knox! (I couldn't resist - but really don't know who the theological hero is there - here it is more likely to be Shcleiermacher than Calvin OR Edwards.) Let's hear it for Wesley, the practical theologican who was so practical he couldn't be bothered to write a systematic theology!

Amie V said...

it totally IS knox! his house is in edinburgh, even. and you are totally right about hard knox, lol. it's great. (sarcasm)

yay for practical wesley! we're following in great footsteps. ;)