Thursday, May 27, 2010

best acoustics anywhere

So, today is my long day in Princeton tutoring students. This afternoon, as I sat in the lobby between appointments I realized there was an inordinate amount of activity occurring. It didn't take long to realize by the instruments and sound equipment being lugged around that a concert was planned for the evening. I guessed by the number of teens all wearing the same t-shirt in a variety of colors that it was a civic group of some sort. (Unfortunately, I never found out exactly what group it was)
While I was sitting there, distracted from my own book by the activity, I took the liberty of doing some people watching. I noticed a few boys come in, recognize one another and 'clump together' before I thought I heard some humming coming from their 'man clump'. I also couldn't help but notice a few girls walk in wearing their little black dresses, a few even wearing high heels that I would kick off my own feet long before any dancing at a wedding reception even started. While I did think these girls in particular were a little over dressed for an outdoor concert, I didn't give it too much thought; styles come and go and the girls were behaving well within the norms of teen-agers - checking out the boys and flocking in and out of the ladies' rest room.

I finally decided to get a picture of the gathering crowd and realized the boys were a part of an acapella group and waiting to be cued before their performance. Unfortunately, I couldn't hang around to hear them sing as I needed to use the ladies' before meeting my next student....

....and that's when I discovered that the girls in their little black dresses were part of a female acapella group warming up in the rest room. They were in the middle of a piece when I walked in, and even though they parted to let me move past them, I retrieved my camera out of my bag and they obliged me to squeeze together and pose for a quick picture - all without missing a single note of the number they were practicing. Talk about talent! I don't know when I last enjoyed a public restroom experience so melodious!

1 comment:

Amie V said...

dang, that is awesome! and it's true-- bathrooms have great acoustics. =) at least you got to hear part of the concert that way. ;)