And even though I've been teaching, tutoring, and reading on my research for my dissertation proposal all summer long, I still feel the same angst that I've always associated with August. I am not entering the traditional classroom in the next few days, but I am looking forward to the opportunities to delve back into my studies with renewed vigor, and yet I remain a little wistful that I didn't eek out more of summer's sweetness. I hang in the liminal or 'in-between-place' of wanting to get out of the rut I've made for myself during the hot humid days and finding a groove of motivation and productivity. I anticipate good things for September 2010 with some travel for both school and church. Frustratingly, August 2010 has not been the most stellar month insome respects (namely training to run the 5K) so I am looking for the upswing that comes with the seesaw moment, hoping to push past where I've been to see higher and farther than I have recently.
photo essay, daily discipline, finally getting my blogging feet wet, snapshot of my life in the hour around 5PM
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
SeeSaw Week
And even though I've been teaching, tutoring, and reading on my research for my dissertation proposal all summer long, I still feel the same angst that I've always associated with August. I am not entering the traditional classroom in the next few days, but I am looking forward to the opportunities to delve back into my studies with renewed vigor, and yet I remain a little wistful that I didn't eek out more of summer's sweetness. I hang in the liminal or 'in-between-place' of wanting to get out of the rut I've made for myself during the hot humid days and finding a groove of motivation and productivity. I anticipate good things for September 2010 with some travel for both school and church. Frustratingly, August 2010 has not been the most stellar month insome respects (namely training to run the 5K) so I am looking for the upswing that comes with the seesaw moment, hoping to push past where I've been to see higher and farther than I have recently.
Monday, August 30, 2010
before the dogs greeted me...
Sunday, August 29, 2010
A girl and her pink bike; a boy and his cars!

My bike was just the single speed back in the stone ages.

Sarah chose the pink Hawaii bell to match the bike.
Obviously I have some things to learn about editing and making movies from clips, but this is my first solo project.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
The blame game begins
This morning I made my mother a plum cake she enjoys this time of year. Since it was made for her, she appropriately cut her self a piece after lunch (rather tiny I might add). Soon afterward, Dad cut himself a piece, slightly bigger, and instigated the "blame game". The blame game here at the Homestead goes like this: different people cut themselves successive slivers of cake until there is little choice but to cut off a piece and "finish the row". Then the next person who goes to cut a piece of cake complains that a whole row is gone and the rest of the people say "Well, I didn't have any!" or "I just had a small piece!" when in fact we all know that everyone's been nibbling on the cake throughout the afternoon.
If you want to make your own plum cake - it isn't hard, you just need those about a dozen of those little Italian plums that are in season this time of year:
Plum Cake
1 stick of butter (slightly softened)
1 C of sugar, divided
2 eggs
1 C flour
plums - pitted and cut into slices
1 tsp. cinnamon
Cream butter and 1/2 C sugar, reserving other 1/2 C of sugar for topping. Beat in eggs till fluffy . Add flour and blend well. Pour batter into small greased pan. Top with plum pieces skin side down sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar. Bake in hot oven at 400 degrees for 30 - 40 minutes.
If your household can resist not eating it before hand, serve with cold heavy cream.
1 stick of butter (slightly softened)
1 C of sugar, divided
2 eggs
1 C flour
plums - pitted and cut into slices
1 tsp. cinnamon
Cream butter and 1/2 C sugar, reserving other 1/2 C of sugar for topping. Beat in eggs till fluffy . Add flour and blend well. Pour batter into small greased pan. Top with plum pieces skin side down sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar. Bake in hot oven at 400 degrees for 30 - 40 minutes.
If your household can resist not eating it before hand, serve with cold heavy cream.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Indulging myself

Since it also involves Robbie Lewis in his last case as a Detective Sergeant, it wasn't a hard choice to make. I am an avid fan of British detective stories - especially ones featured on Mystery! via PBS's Masterpiece Theater. This weekend, PBS begins to air the third season of Lewis, and even though I do miss the cantankerous Morse to some degree, I really do enjoy the interaction of Lewis and his Detective Sergeant, James Hathaway - but that might be because I highly approve of the casting of Laurence Fox for the sidekick role. Regardless, I am getting off of this blog and going to enjoy reading outside until dark.
Maybe once I indulge myself, I can get back to the to-do list......
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
f(x) = this!
Oh, and lest you think I am being vulgar, the title of this entry simply means the function of x is this!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Processing time
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Who's got your back?

fun than looking at the rails on Staten Island.
A ferry ride is all the more sweeter with two twizzlers - one for each hand. As an Auntie, I have it on good authority that regardless transportation its the best way to enjoy twizzlers. Ben agreed.
Today, I was impressed to hear of a further act of God's faithfulness that was provided through the community. Asbury friend Rick Hutchins drove the family from Lexington to NYC on Wednesday so they wouldn't have to worry about where to store their car for several months. (If you ever drove or rode the 11-12 hour journey, you know what a gift this is!) Remembering Rick is from the metro area reminded me that he had family he could visit - and delivering Ben and his parents to NYC was just as a good excuse as any to make the trip. But more than that, it turns out due to some family medical procedures, this is the perfect time for Rick to here. I love it when God provides like that.
Riding home on the bus this afternoon, I reflected on how God has helped shape this journey for my friends and a refrain of a Celtic prayer attributed to St. Patrick ran through my mind. Alfred, Ruth Anne and Ben don't know what exactly lies in front of them, but they know God is already in the midst of it, preparing the way. They only have to look behind them, to be reminded of how God has already provided the past months. Similar to Ben hanging onto the fence - he felt safe and secure once he got his bearings because Alfred was right there not letting go. So, friends with this benediction and the prayers of so many may your time be blessed in Uganda:
- Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me,
- Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
- Christ on my right, Christ on my left,
- Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down, Christ when I arise,
- Christ in the heart of every person who thinks of me,
- Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
- Christ in every eye that sees me,
- Christ in every ear that hears me.
- I arise today
- Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,
- Through belief in the threeness,
- Through confession of the oneness,
- Of the Creator of Creation.
Go in peace.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Dry Creek Bed
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
mmmm Chinese take out
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Empty rain guage
Monday, August 16, 2010
tempus fugit
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Semaphore Sammi in the semi-darkness!

Saturday, August 14, 2010
Sweet Valley - sub station
Friday, August 13, 2010
Back to the apple orchard
I almost cried when I realized how wonderful they were that first semester at PTS when I saw my colleagues' but I have used it faithfully the past five years. I often watched those Mac/PC commercials and often cringed because I understood them firsthand.
For more more than a year now, I've been saving for the Mac and even though I missed having one the past several years, I am glad I am back. I actually scored an iPod with the summer student discount! It's my first legitimate MP3 player and I have so many things to learn! So with the whole kit and kaboodle I got a year's subscription to 1 on 1 services. Having someone help you once a week with all the questions I have as well as show me some fun things and shortcuts is totally worth the price of admission for even a month's worth of sessions, let along the whole year! The trouble is, my head was swimming when I walked out of the store and I totally forgot to take a picture of it. So instead, you get to see the engraving I had put on my iPod for free - it clearly identifies who it belongs to as well as reveals a little something about a television show I have enjoyed since a kid and now love on BBC America....other fans will know exactly who the doctor is.......
Thursday, August 12, 2010
At Casa Williams

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
The view from the bridge
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Cue the music
I think this is my first photo of a skyline and the sun behind clouds. I really wasn't sure of what I was doing other than trying my best to keep the telephone line out of the photo. I kinda wanted to get the hay field in below for some depth, but it didn't quite work. This is the best result and it isn't too bad if I do say so myself.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Making a break for it
Sunday, August 8, 2010
It's a jungle out there
Saturday, August 7, 2010
No pussy footing around....

Friday, August 6, 2010
Something amusing happened the day of the synchro show.....
he spent his teaching career teaching German.
I am just sorry I didn't get a picture of Mr. Weigel with his family members so you could also know what a devoted dad and granddad he is. The entire Weigel clan just returned from an Alaskan cruise and it was a delightful surprise to catch up with Wendee and Bridgette as well as meet their children before they left for more family adventures late in the afternoon.
Luke was way up past his bedtime by the start of the show but he wasn't missing seeing his sister do her thing for the world!
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