Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Out like a lamb

These little white flowers that are ground cover in the deepest woods just make me happy. There are a few dozen growing on the property next to The Homestead. Nothing to make a white carpet like you can find on riverbanks and in copses of trees. I found these when I tramped through their yard with Jake this afternoon avoiding other neighbors who have a greyhound and rottweiler, both whom attacked Jake at the start of our walk. It was an eventful afternoon. Happily, all dogs and owners are o.k. and on good terms. I am the one that is traumatized - but that's how I really am about dogs.

1 comment:

Amie V said...

that would be traumatising to me... i'm not a fan of big dogs. they make me very nervous. =S

i love the flowers, though. sadly, my march came in like a lamb and out like a lion. boo.